How to Make $1000 a Day On Social Media & GROW FAST! (STEP BY STEP Guide by Baddie in Business)

How to Make $1000 a Day On Social Media & GROW FAST! (STEP BY STEP Guide by Baddie in Business)

What’s your #1 priority tomorrow?

Hey future millionaires here is how to make $1000 a day on social media(step by step guide by Baddie in Business); my name is Isabella and I became a self-made millionaire within 2 years thanks to the power of social media I own accounts with a total of over 15 million followers across all my accounts and I started all of these accounts from scratch in 2020 these social media accounts have genuinely changed my life my work has been featured on Fox Business News Good Morning America and billboards and Times Square in New York City two out of three of these accounts I even started completely faceless out

Of these three main accounts I own they are also all different Niche types which confirms that my strategies work no matter what Niche you’re in I also did not spend a single Dollar in ad spend to grow these accounts I did it all organically so believe me when I say it’s not luck growing on social media it’s all strategy I am no special than any of you I just mastered a skill that anyone can learn and if I could do it why can’t you you have to realize when building your social media accounts what

You are really building are digital assets these digital assets are able to be used as funnels to then sell products or simply get paid for the eyeballs that you’re getting on each individual platform I have made over $100,000 from a single video before and social media itself is the biggest reason of why I’m a millionaire today I have compiled a list of 10 tips to get you started in your social media Journey whether you are trying to grow a personal brand start a faceless account want to share

Your life or knowledge trying to grow your small business on social media or even start social media accounts for your pet no matter what you are doing you will learn a lot from today’s video before we get into this video if you haven’t already heard I have created an entire interactive educational platform to speed up your social media growth Journey if you want to have a side hustle that allows you to have more freedom build a business by leveraging the power of social media and wake up every day doing something that

genuinely love doing then bades a business Club is for you we help you get from where you are now to where you want to go our members are already growing tens of thousands of followers and already generating passive income and getting brand deals with only one month of being inside and nobody else has created a system for social media this effective especially for beginners by joining you will receive weekly coaching calls two new classes per week and the entire road map to get you started the link to join is at the top of my

description box down below and if you use code grow you will get 50% off your first month inside the next price increase is happening soon so make sure you join now to lock in this rate for life so TI number one growing on social media is not luck it’s all strategy it’s also not just about going viral it’s about having a strong funnel and business mindset behind the content you’re creating this is the exact skill that took my businesses from nothing to earning over six figures in less than a year so I first want you to understand

the funnels of social media I personally use my short form content platforms as a funnel to ways of monetization this includes my online stores lawn form concept that makes more money affiliate marketing links and more not to say that you can’t make a lot of money off short form content as I have made over $300,000 in one year from a single Facebook page but this is how your mindset should be when looking at social media from a business perspective I started all of my accounts from zero followers just like what you’re starting

with now we are in a time period of social media where everyone has an equal chance of going viral and unless you’ve been living under a rock the past 4 years you have seen that a single video has the power to to change someone’s life overnight so why can’t you be next social media growth is much more simple than you may think to gain an audience don’t over complicate it it’s really as simple as this post High engaging content that captures attention and you will gain an audience but all these little hacks and ways to actually do

this and actually accomplish this is what people get stuck on and this is where the education comes in that you are going to learn today so tip number two you don’t actually need millions of followers to actually make a lot of money from social media this is a huge misconception if you pick the right niche in the beginning and implement the right strategies you can start making money with social media literally with your first few months starting your content has to be at least one of these three things educational inspiring or

entertaining a key component of this is you need to pick a niche and of course you can pick a niche within a niche so for example say you wanted to start an account about self-improvement because this is a broad topic ask yourself who is my target audience think of your social media accounts as a business what value are you going to put out there on these accounts to give to others and who is this content geared towards the most the more you can narrow this down the more successful you will be on social

media so instead of you just starting an account about self-improvement if you yourself is a mom you could start social media platforms specifically about self-improvement for moms as you are thinking about your Niche I want you to go one step further and even start picturing how you can then monetize in this Niche so again say you’re starting an account about self-improvement for moms you can think about some digital products that you could already start selling for this target audience the reason why picking nishe is so important

is because for example you are posting on an account and you post a video about your dog one day and then the next day you post about your gym routine the social media algorithms are are not going to be able to actually detect who to show your content to social media algorithms want to be able to continue feeding people content that they enjoy so if you start an account about Fitness and you stayed consistent in this Niche the algorithms will eventually show your content to people that like this type of

content and they are more likely to interact with this content so instead of you trying to work against the algorithms and just try to to make crazy content just to go viral you literally have the opportunity to work with it instead tip number three productive scrolling is your best friend as you are brainstorming what Niche you want to pick to start your social media journey I want you to write down five keywords that align with this Niche go on Tik Tok Instagram and YouTube and search for these keywords across the platforms now

after doing this search we have access to so many accounts that are currently in the niche and are producing content the search will most likely show you the best performing content in this niche as well so in minutes you’ll start generating ideas for both short form and long form content for short form content on Instagram and Tik Tok I want you to ask yourself these questions as your producted scrolling what Hooks are they using where are they placing the text on the screen and what are they saying what

are their camera angles how many seconds are these videos start saving every single post that inspires you or post that you might want to recreate in own way for lawed content on YouTube these are the questions I want you to ask yourself while you’re productive scrolling why did their video capture your attention how did they structure the video how long is the video how are they designing their thumbnails for the video again search different keywords in your Niche and check to see what videos have the most views and are performing

the best I want you to fully do an analysis of videos that are already performing well this will help you look at social media in a new light no matter what platform you are on you don’t have to reinvent anything crazy new a lot of times social media is just all about posting and just putting your own spin on things that are already doing well this is the best practices as a beginner and once you’re a seasoned content creator you will definitely come up with your own Concepts too our members inside

baddies and Business Club have become Masters at productive scrolling and this topic especially because we use it for so many things that you wouldn’t even think about tip number four another key thing to do in the beginning of your social media growth journey is figuring out and prioritizing your main platforms right now for me Instagram and YouTube are my current favorite main platforms if you would have asked me this a couple years ago I would have told you Tik Tok and YouTube were my main platforms one

thing to know is the most stable algorithm across all social media platforms is actually YouTube YouTube Not only has the most stable algorithm but it also is the most stable when it comes to monetization YouTube is also one of the most highest social media platforms among all of them so maybe it’s worth it for you to spend more time learning about YouTube than it is Pinterest for example depending on what you are doing to make money online take a look at this faceless simple one minute video how to boil an egg this

video has over 6 million views and if the RPM was only $10 which is how much you get paid per 1,000 views they would have made $6,000 from this one single video just from the views now I’m imagine if they only had 10 other videos that performed this well you can do the math it’s pretty crazy and as long as this video continues to get more views they will continue to make money from it so on YouTube it really is passive income tip number five you need to understand the difference between short form content

and long form content when somebody refers to long form content they usually mean horizontal YouTube videos I personally know some people that strictly only have a YouTube channel and no other social media although I don’t recommend this it’s totally POS possible to grow singlehandedly just on YouTube with these La form horizontal videos this is where working smarter and not harder comes in most people will make YouTube videos and then clip short form content from those others will create one piece of short form content and then

repurpose it to all other short form content platforms this is personally my style I like to create content specifically for YouTube and I like to create content specifically for short form content platforms you strategize this right and get this down you will be able to get started and stay consistent much easier tip number six low effort content is key nine times out of 10 it’s the most simple videos that go the most viral on social media this is especially true for short form content your content

doesn’t have to be revolutionary it just has to be eye-catching you literally have within the first one to two seconds to grab someone’s attention while scrolling so this is essential and again productive scroll for ideas and you’ll start to notice this yourself the most viral content out there is really the most simple tip number seven b-roll videos are actually my favorite type of videos to create when it comes to short form content these are videos you take one time that you can continue to reuse

over again and again with different texts and hooks on the screen it’s all about working smarter and not harder with social media you’re going to go through this period where you’re really just going to feel crazy trying to bunch of different types of content until you find the type of content that works best for you and I know how this feels because I did this among all three of my main accounts and once I have a video that performs better than the other videos then I know to continue doing that same type of style of video

especially when one goes viral with over 1 million views I know for sure to then replicate that in the same style to continue the momentum after that my personal advice is just leave all the talking videos especially valuable ones for laform content on YouTube and then like I said before funnel that short form content to your YouTube channel to grow that Channel faster and again you don’t have to show your face in videos but faceless or not you need to build trust with the audience you’re building

that’s why so many faceless accounts are not making money because they need to build this trust a lot of current faceless Pages out here are not standing out because a lot of them are just copying one another and using a lot of the same just basic quotes with the right strategies you can grow a strong social media presence as a faceless account and this is totally possible for you as well tip number eight with all social media in general across all platforms quality is so much more important than quantity and I’m not

talking about fancy equipment we’ll get to that next people think that they can just post a bunch of random garbage content that has little to no strategy behind it and expect it just blow up it does not work this way be prepared to not see results right away especially if you’re completely new to social media you have to at least like and enjoy what you are doing it will show in your content if you are just trying to post just to post I grew all my social media accounts posting a few times per week

because that’s all I had time for when I first started but I made sure that all the videos that I did post were the best quality that I could get I mean I did my productive scrolling I already had in mind what was going viral currently and of course I kept my short form content very simple as my short form content audience grew on Tik Tok and Instagram my YouTube channels and on the stores grew also this is because I always made sure that I had a strategy within my short form content so not only did it

capture the attention of viewers with the hooks I used and the ideas I had but I also made sure that I was funneling people to these further monetization streams so again quality over quantity with your content always one thing is that you need to have good lighting I swear this makes all the difference if you don’t have good lighting inside your house then just go outside stop making excuses on why you can’t start which leads me to tip number nine you don’t need any fancy equipment to start off in

a social media game you just need to get started like I said some of my most viral videos were my most simple videos I did not show my face and they were all made with just my iPhone even on my YouTube channels I literally just started filming with just my iPhone we often times find any excuse not to do something that we know will be good for us don’t let this be you because you are literally leaving so much money on the table with this mindset currently I do use cap cut to edit all my videos all on

my phone of course there is a learning curve with this but with some practice it’ll become second nature to you of course there’s other AI editing systems out there that you can use and you can even hire video editors but I feel like you also should know and learn the skill no matter what because this skill can translate to so many different things and you’ll actually wind up making better videos if you learn and understand the full process tip number 10 all knowledge that you learn from growing your social media platforms can

open you up to even more opportunities in this world that we all know is becoming more and more digital one of our members inside Betty a business Club after only being inside for 3 months landed a job as a social media manager at a brand new construction building in Miami so not only is she building up her own social media accounts but just from the knowledge that she’s gaining from doing this she’s able to translate to a lot more skills all the skills with social media are buildable and social

media is not going anywhere anytime soon the market just keeps growing and the opportunity just keeps getting bigger but the more time you spend waiting to start your own Journey the more competitive it slowly gets don’t wait or put your journey on hold any longer if you learned a lot from today’s video smash that like button for the YouTube algorithm And subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos just like this let me know in the comments down below if you would like any more videos pertaining to social media growth and

the monetization process throughout different platforms I could literally go on forever when it comes to providing you guys valuable tips with growing on social media especially because a lot of you guys do need personalized advice depending on exactly what you’re doing which is exactly why I started bodies and Business Club the most most important thing is is to just get started growing on social media like any business all comes down to Faith strategy and consistency you have every single resource in front of you that you need to succeed between all the 100% free education on my YouTube channel and even the personalized one-on-one help you will be receiving inside baddies and Business Club there’s nothing Stopping You Now wishing you all the best with your online business ventures and growth Journey on social media and I will see you guys in my next free course bye everyone

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